In observance of the New Year’s holiday all Town offices, including Town Hall, the Parks, Sewer, and Highway departments, Town Court, and the Spiegel Pittsford Community Center will close at 1:00pm on Thursday, 12/31 and …
2020 News Archives

Safety PSA from Town, School District and Village
The cold weather means less opportunity for outdoor activities and services, bringing more people indoors. It’s therefore more important than ever to take the simple steps to keep yourself, and others, safe. …

Pittsford programming December 25 - January 1 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features Town Supervisor Bill Smith's presentation "The Man Behind "A Christmas Story" which which highlights Jean Shepherd, the prolific American storyteller, humorist, radio and TV personality, writer, and…

In observance of the Christmas holiday, all Town offices (including Town Hall and the Parks, Sewer, and Highway departments), the Spiegel Pittsford Community Center, the Pittsford Community Library, and Town Court…

Public and private fireworks events in the Town of Pittsford require a permit issued by the Town. As a courtesy, notifications for public and private fireworks events held within the Town are posted on the Town website at …

The time is right for a winter story come to life – and some crafty fun! Stop by the Spiegel Pittsford Community Center up through this Saturday, December 19 and take a stroll through our “The Mitten” story walk in the Community Center field.
Follow the story of Nicki, a young…

Pittsford programming December 11 - December 18 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features the story of Richard Brookins and how in 1944 in Wiltz, Luxembourg he came to be known as The American Saint Nicolas On July 7, 2016, 94 year old Richard Brookins, The American Saint Nicolas, received…

Program will lower electricity costs, access 100% renewable electricity
As a member of Monroe Community Power, the Town of Pittsford is increasing our community’s access to 100%…

Pittsford programming December 4 - December 11 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features a look back at the Town of Pittsford 2017 Candlelight Night. Also, this week see a "Pittsford Personalities" interview by Town Historian Audrey Johnson with Town Supervisor Bill Smith - as well as…

The Pittsford Town Board will hold a special meeting on Monday, December 7 at 8:00am via Zoom to discuss an Intermunicipal Agreement with Monroe County to allow for the receipt of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act funding. The Town previously applied for…

Pittsford programming November 25 - December 1 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features the 11/4 Pittsford Town Board meeting and the electric car charging station, as well as Pittsford announcements and information.
Pittsford programming on Channel 12 for 11/13 – 11/…

The Town of Pittsford’s GIS Department has created a detailed map showing the precise boundaries of the Orange Zone in Pittsford. It has been checked for accuracy against the mapping provided on the State’s website at…

Plan document is on Town website
The Pittsford Town Board will devote its next meeting to a public hearing, held jointly with the Pittsford Village Board, for the Joint Town-…

Town of Pittsford offices, facilities, and services including Town Hall, the Spiegel Pittsford Community Center, the Parks and Sewer departments, and Town Court will close at 1:00pm Wednesday, November 25 and remain…

Join us for a Pittsford Strong event! Disposable surgical masks will be distributed free of charge to Pittsford residents this Saturday, November 21, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Pittsford Mendon High School, 472 Mendon Road.
The colder weather means more of us spending time…

In order to facilitate snow removal, Town of Pittsford winter parking restrictions are now in effect. Parking of any vehicle on public roads - including state highways and on the shoulder of all roads - is prohibited each year from November 15 through April 1 in all areas within the Town and…

On Veterans Day, we honor and remember all of those who have served the United States in uniform, and all of those who continue to serve. While COVID-19 protocols prevented what would have been a public ceremony held by the Rayson-Miller American Legion Post 899, Town Supervisor Bill Smith…

The time is right for a Thanksgiving story come to life – and some crafty fun! Stop by the Spiegel Pittsford Community Center between November 16 - 21 and take a stroll through our “Bear Says Thanks” story walk in the Community Center field.
Follow the story of Bear and see what…

Pittsford programming November 6 - November 13 on TV-12 Spectrum Digital Channel 1303 features the most recent Pittsford Town Board meeting - as well as Pittsford announcements and information.
Pittsford programming on Channel 12 for 11/6 – 11/13:
8:00 PM/…

Town Supervisor Bill Smith will host his community open house meeting this Saturday, November 21 from 9:00 - 10:00am at the Pittsford Community Library. Stop by and join the conversation to catch up on current issues, Town projects and other topics you might wish to discuss, such as issues in…