Public and private fireworks events in the Town of Pittsford require a permit issued by the Town. As a courtesy, notifications for public and private fireworks events held within the Town are posted on the Town website at Town of Pittsford Fireworks Notification, on the Town Facebook page and in the Town's eNews (email newsletter). Courtesy notifications also can be mailed in advance to those in the immediate area of a permitted fireworks event (public or private) who request them.
To request a mailed Fireworks Notification, please contact Town Fire Marshal and Code Enforcement Officer Kelly Cline or by phone 248-6250. To sign up for the Town eNews, visit E News. The eNews, which contains the most updated information about Town meetings, projects, programs, services and events, is sent once weekly or for urgent or emergency Town notifications; email addresses are never shared for any other purpose. Please see below current fireworks event permit notifications.
Current Fireworks Event Notification:
CANCELED: Thursday, December 31, 2020 - Private fireworks event in the vacinity of Mendon Center Road, approximately 9:00pm